19 February, 2011


This is perhaps closer to the visual music genre than the other videos I've posted on this blog. That said, unlike most visual music works, it's rather a static piece, and conforms to some of the ideas of 'structural' film as outlined by both Malcolm Le Grice (it readably attests to the mechanisms and principles of it's own making), and P Adams Sitney (its structure is simple, hermetic and pre-determined)... even though it's a video.
Like much of my work, the sound and image are generated from the same light sources, and recorded simultaneously. What you see/hear are shop windows along Regent Street in Central London, with their various digital lighting systems buzzing away. The cross-fades in the audio coincide directly with the cross-dissolves in the image, mimicking each other.
This was shot in the spring of 2008, and edited with the assistance of Nick Phillips shortly after. Incidentally, the insects you see near the beginning are green lacewings, and that was the only window they swarmed on. Who knows what attracted them to that particular one... was there a strong UV element in the light? Was it the particular frequency of the modulations we hear? Maybe they just liked Laura Ashley's summer collection...


wonderfulsound said...

Hey Rob. It's Miles here. I really like this piece. See you soon. How have you recorded the sound?

See you soon

Rob Mullender said...

hey miles - nice to hear from you. i just plugged a solar PV cell into the mic socket of the camera, and recorded it simultaneously. the conceit here is that the sound and image are somehow identical - which is clearly problematic, but i like the purity of the process nonetheless. also you don't need a camera to experience it, just a PV cell, audio recorder and headphones, which fro me is more the point...

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