14 April, 2009

Spectra (Signalling Hut component)

They were hot there, and cold there, and some had been born, and most had died. Their houses were boxes, tents, scooped out dogs, brick towers, and actual houses. Some dug into grass; others camped in shadow; many worked in the house dispersing rice and books and were not permitted to sleep on the floor. There was to be no unfolding of blankets or spreading of sheets. Never could a barrier or blind or corner be erected in the house, nor could cloth be clipped or crimped or hung. They sheltered off of one another and slept in heated chains of body. No one could sleep for more than one dream. The dream happened during the day, and the dream was the storm, and the storm was whatever you could name.

MARCUS, B. 1998. The Age of Wire and String. London: Flamingo. pp.81


macumbista said...

Very nice! Since I saw it a few weeks ago, it has gone from looking suspiciously like equipment for certain delicate jobs in the animal husbandry industry to becoming some sort of occult beehive. The choice and feel of the materials (resin, wood...) couldn't be more appropriate. Let there be an end to bare speakers hung on white walls!!!!!

Rob Mullender said...

well them devil-worshippin' bees gotta have somehere to live.

thanks for your positive feedback.

there are delicate jobs in animal husbandry? is there stuff about you i should know?

Anonymous said...

amazin'! hope to shee it shomewhere shoon!
(pole shaunshee)

Anonymous said...

its like a dark version of a bird watchers hide coupled with sound dampening studio walling

very cool

Unknown said...

My manager has some frightening stories of animal husbandry. At least he'll be imune to swine flu after his "hands on " experiences. The piece looks iteresting, could you gain access as a viewer up the stair/ladder? It occured to me tha notion of being behind the sound might be an interesting thread. could you perhaps look put at those approaching/listening and how does this change your relationship with the piece. Robin Asley

Rob Mullender said...

you can indeed get inside - the last photo shows how it looks. The sound is photophonically generated by elements in the boxes, and you can see a sort of shimmering to accompany it...people outside are 'ghosted' by the hut. It is a kind of hunting hide by the way - people's images (their 'skins') are caught, and re-broadcast as sound.